You state here that this is your second time going to an mp, who was the other lady you saw? It couldn't have been Angel/Sabrina as you stated that you WILL be repeating, which means you had never seen her before. Yet you have posted about her for the past 6 months:
Thanks for telling me what I mean! I what I did! Read my post again! Second tme to an mp and have only seen one mp!
So how could you have been posting since 2/16/06 about a lady you didn't see until 8/1/06? Do you have a time machine? NOW THAT WOULD BE INTERESTING.
Two visits in 6 months. Once again I am not a hobbyist!
Pimping is as much a part of the sex trade as is customers/tricks/hobbyists whatever term you choose to use. Also once again all my posts are in the context of the thread I replied in.
Obviously I could have done this review months ago but then I would have have had some super investigator like yourself who went straight past my review as slim as it was to review my other posts.
The last interesting thing of note is that you claimed you used this site to do some research before you went. Well I did a search for Sabrina and the only information I could find about her WAS INFORMATION THAT YOU POSTED ABOUT HER. I guess you were taking your own word about her to go see her
Research as in what to expect prices etc. Obviously she was not reviewed on this site!
Here are posts where you talk about tricks, a phrase that somebody providing services would use, not a hobbyist:
Speaking the truth! For your knowledge the word trick is not owned by service providers it can be used in many ways!
Here you post with an insight that somebody providing services, not a hobbyist would have:
Just telling it like it is!
I find your "review" of Angel very interesting as the only "information" it provides is an over the top, GLOWING description of Angel. No information on length of session, cost, description of the spa, website link,- stuff you usually find in a review. Surely as the longtime lurker you claim to be, you would have known that type of information is what is put into a real review.
Both spas advertise on this site and have pics of the spa on their website which is how I found them in the first place! As far as claims I do not have to claim anything look at my join date! Shoot you practically listed all of my postings good for you ! I am sure if I had given a fave of yours the exact same review your dumb ass would have nothing to say! If for some reason you feel that this MP attendant is not up to your par that is all you needed to say. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one and you are one! For the record i will use any term i choose to use whether it be hobbyist or Trick! Let's face it in this thing some people are hobbyists(those who can afford it) and some people are tricks(those who buy what they can not afford). This is a internet board you do not know me nor do i know you nor do i care to know you but you obviously have an issue with this mp or you have too much time on your hands. As far as your back rub goes i would read your posts and find out which attendants you were high on but I actually have a life so find your own!
Only the closed minded can not see the many sides to a particular issue. Some service providers have valid points and issues and some customers do as well. I obviously do not have a tainted or adversarial view on those who choose to provide services as many so called hobbyists(on this site at least) do so I can see where on some issues they do have a valid point.
Also I am sure if I had come in here and absolutley thrashed this attendant nothing would have been thought of my post! So just for you whenever I see another mp if I see another mp I promise to drag her through the mud just for you!