While B&S won't win any Interior Design prizes, I certainly wouldn't nominate HFH, SRM or IT either, for all their well-intentioned efforts. Of the spas I've sampled, I'd praise only BP for decor, the success of which only underscores its failure to deliver what B&S does—dingy or not—good service in a well-run place.
I like B&S a lot but I'd have to agree that a little freshening up—from website to real site—would go a long way. It's the continuing effort we notice, like the efforts of Paul, Micron and Kayla, and for all Violet's rapid responses, B&S still feels a bit like my comfy old slippers. Not quite up to 'company' standards any more, tho' just the ticket after a killer day.
My fixit nomination: the hot tub spout in the first room beyond the desk; looks like a leftover kitchen sink spout and fills the tub way too slowly. And I agree about commercials: if I pay for the time, I shouldn't have to endure advertising. CBC Radio Two has none, if CD's are too much trouble. And what ever happened to Chanel…? But that's another post.