Heather is a givin. I can't help not wait. I know what's in store for me. Dont get me wrong, I walked out before, but then kicked myself in ass for not waiting. Ever since I talked to her about it, she gave me the excuse, "ooohh sorry baby, I though your another "Jim", who used to make appointments and then not show. Next time, tell the receiptionist when booking that your "Jim Bob", and I'll know its you" Ever sice that convo, the wating time has dropped from 45 min to 15-20 min on occasions.
Sarah, Cristina are the one I had to usually wait for. I Don't go and see them anymore, they usually smell like smoke or food or they seem out of it, and service very mechanical. I know when someone is out of it cause usually I am out of it, LOL!
I mean how hard is it to find some quality girls? Honestly how hard is it? Does Sal act like a loser and so the quality of girls leave when they find out he is a dick? Doesn't he tell them how the biz works? About Heather?
One classic waiting moment. I was waiting for Heather no doubt in the lobby. Sal looked like he was running from the feds or something. He was sweating buckets and on the phone stressing out big time. Both his washer machines broke down, and he was telling the guy on the phone (repair-man or repair company)..." i know, but i have 2 piles of towels 6 ft tall downstairs, i need them fixed big time.." As this was going on, Heather is fliping through the appointment book, and Sal is like..."Heather, did you clean your room, did you find any clean towels?.." Heather simply shrugged her shoulders and blew a bubble with her gum in Sal's face! Looked at me and said..." oh your next...I wont be ready for another 10 mins"
What a joke this place is. If Heather was smart she should be on her own. She can make her own hours and make more money. But i guess she rules, BP and not Sal. Just thought I share this story to show you guys that if Sal doesnt wake up and smell the fresh veals, the revolving door of MPa's will continue and the headache that Heather is will continue.