Dogs love massages! I give my dogs shoulder massages sometimes and it really relaxes them and after a massage they are ready to go to sleep.
If your dog has hip problems massaging it will really relax it and help the stiffness too.
I am for giving your dog massages but i think taking them somewhere to get massaged is a little bit too much...
But your dog should not have hip problems if you bought it from a reputable breeder, I am currently waiting for my GSD breeders next litter, His dogs have had no hip dysplasia for 5 generations and all of his dogs look great except the female that had recently gotten into a fight with his female wolf through the fence, but other then that she was healthy! He is a 50 year breeder and still obsessed with his dogs, I could imagine after 50 years of breeding dogs most people would not be so amazed with their dogs but this guy was so into his dogs...
GSD's are awesome, you have great taste in dog breeds!