Peel Police have decided a large number of massage parlours in their jurisdiction rub them the wrong way. They've laid 151 charges against 27 establishments, charging two in Brampton and another in Mississauga with keeping a common bawdy house, and alleging prostitution related activities were carried on in nearly all of them.
The five month investigation began last February, after complaints from the public. "We conducted investigations at every known body rub parlour in the Region of Peel and have established solid evidence of prostitution in each and every one of them," charges Detective Don Cousineau. "Every customer we spoke to told us that they had attended the premises with the full intention of paying for an act of prostitution to be performed by a body rub attendant. What surprised us the most was how forthright the attendants were in readily admitting they performed acts of prostitution as an expected part of the services they provided." Police say they literally caught some of the patrons in the act as they walked in.
At least 24 other parlours have been cited for bylaw infractions. And more may be on the way. "Based upon the results of this project," Cousineau explains, "it looks as though we're just beginning."
July 30, 2003
The five month investigation began last February, after complaints from the public. "We conducted investigations at every known body rub parlour in the Region of Peel and have established solid evidence of prostitution in each and every one of them," charges Detective Don Cousineau. "Every customer we spoke to told us that they had attended the premises with the full intention of paying for an act of prostitution to be performed by a body rub attendant. What surprised us the most was how forthright the attendants were in readily admitting they performed acts of prostitution as an expected part of the services they provided." Police say they literally caught some of the patrons in the act as they walked in.
At least 24 other parlours have been cited for bylaw infractions. And more may be on the way. "Based upon the results of this project," Cousineau explains, "it looks as though we're just beginning."
July 30, 2003