Hey. I'd love some feed back. Sorry, this is gonna be long.
I have what seems to be chronic, very tenacious cellulitis in my left leg. I've had progressive problems with it since 2005, and it became quite extreme the beginning of this year.
I have no health insurance, so I have had four Dr's in free clinics and urgency clinics over the last 6 months seem to concur on the diagnosis, but after four rounds of two types of antibiotics, it still remains splotchy red from ankle to knee. I had an ultrasound a month ago to rule out a blood clot.
I have edema in both ankles, but the left leg is often quite swollen, especially medially, at mid-calf, where it is also very painful to the touch. It's often hot to the touch, usually worse on the lateral. At it's worst, it itches, cracks, peels and then weeps. The weeping is hideous, I have to wash and wrap my leg or it leaks into my shoe. It's clear fluid, and it itches so bad I would chew my leg off if I could.
I had ovarian cancer 6 years ago, and a hysterectomy. My surgeon biopsied at least one lymph node, but assured me at the time it would not cause any lymph edema......... I did 6 rounds of chemo afterwards.
The last round of antibiotics in June was a very heavy dose of an old sulphur type drug, and it made me nauseated and fatigued for ten days, and still didn't clear it up entirely. (Oddly enough, it cleared up the edema in the right leg). I have had chronic stasis dermatitis for about seven years, and have the classic splotchy brown spots on my calves and shins. I am overweight and am pre-diabetic.
I just had an acupuncture treatment on Monday, and am seeing him again next Monday. (no big improvement in the leg yet, but the treatment was wonderful, like a natural mood elevator!)
My immune system is very sluggish - I've been sick about seven times this year, and heal slowly. I am a long time vegetarian, have high blood pressure under control, and take a host of supplements - msm, a pre-natol multi (higher iron), 5 htp, cinnamon, calcium/vit d, exra vit. c, black cohosh, and milk thistle.
I exercise sporadically (walk or ride bike), but try to do a lot of range of motion of the ankle and hip, get regular massage (Swedish), elevate as often as possible during the day, and do cool water soaks, usually in Epsom salts, as needed.
I'm at wits end. If I was a horse, we'd probably throw in the towel and just shoot me! :roll: :roll:
(Not an "easy keeper".............)
Do any bells go off for anyone?
I have what seems to be chronic, very tenacious cellulitis in my left leg. I've had progressive problems with it since 2005, and it became quite extreme the beginning of this year.
I have no health insurance, so I have had four Dr's in free clinics and urgency clinics over the last 6 months seem to concur on the diagnosis, but after four rounds of two types of antibiotics, it still remains splotchy red from ankle to knee. I had an ultrasound a month ago to rule out a blood clot.
I have edema in both ankles, but the left leg is often quite swollen, especially medially, at mid-calf, where it is also very painful to the touch. It's often hot to the touch, usually worse on the lateral. At it's worst, it itches, cracks, peels and then weeps. The weeping is hideous, I have to wash and wrap my leg or it leaks into my shoe. It's clear fluid, and it itches so bad I would chew my leg off if I could.

I had ovarian cancer 6 years ago, and a hysterectomy. My surgeon biopsied at least one lymph node, but assured me at the time it would not cause any lymph edema......... I did 6 rounds of chemo afterwards.
The last round of antibiotics in June was a very heavy dose of an old sulphur type drug, and it made me nauseated and fatigued for ten days, and still didn't clear it up entirely. (Oddly enough, it cleared up the edema in the right leg). I have had chronic stasis dermatitis for about seven years, and have the classic splotchy brown spots on my calves and shins. I am overweight and am pre-diabetic.
I just had an acupuncture treatment on Monday, and am seeing him again next Monday. (no big improvement in the leg yet, but the treatment was wonderful, like a natural mood elevator!)
My immune system is very sluggish - I've been sick about seven times this year, and heal slowly. I am a long time vegetarian, have high blood pressure under control, and take a host of supplements - msm, a pre-natol multi (higher iron), 5 htp, cinnamon, calcium/vit d, exra vit. c, black cohosh, and milk thistle.
I exercise sporadically (walk or ride bike), but try to do a lot of range of motion of the ankle and hip, get regular massage (Swedish), elevate as often as possible during the day, and do cool water soaks, usually in Epsom salts, as needed.
I'm at wits end. If I was a horse, we'd probably throw in the towel and just shoot me! :roll: :roll:

Do any bells go off for anyone?