Does a BG ever say no to a bar fine? Do they ever give a ridiculous price for short time or long time to stop you dead and force you to move on to someone else or they just try to feel out if you are a sucker who’s willing to blow his cash? Are all girls working in the bar bar fineable or do some have to stay and work because they are cashiers or bartenders? Are any of these girls exclusive to anyone but still work at the bar. I know it’s easy to move on in the LOS. Just need to know as a sanity check. Just in case?
It was nice for both of us to finally meet Nicke and the really fun people at Soi Eric and the Mai Tai bar. I had some fun conversations with PDM3 and by God he writes perfect english even though he drowned my ears with his pigeon english
It was nice for both of us to finally meet Nicke and the really fun people at Soi Eric and the Mai Tai bar. I had some fun conversations with PDM3 and by God he writes perfect english even though he drowned my ears with his pigeon english