
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — A settlement has been reached in the case against Eastwest Healthy Center Vitamin Massage which was temporarily closed in January by a court order due to alleged illegal activity, including prostitution and unlicensed massage practices.
According to a statement from the El Paso County Attorney's office, the owners agreed to permanently close the establishment and refrain from operating similar businesses within El Paso County.
The massage center's owner and operator, Hui Xiong, agreed to no longer own, operate, or financially associate with any massage establishment in El Paso and to pay a $3,000 fine, according to the statement.
Previous court documents allege that the business engaged in prostitution, along with employees reportedly offering sexual services to customers and undercover officers.
Documents also claimed the establishment employed unlicensed massage therapists, failed to maintain required client records, and allowed employees to live on-site illegally.
RELATED:Massage parlor in West El Paso closed amid illegal activity allegations
The landlords of the property, KM Colony Cove III LLC, cooperated with authorities by evicting the business.
KM Colony Cove III LLC also agreed not to lease the property to a massage establishment for at least two years.
El Paso County Attorney Christina Sanchez called the agreement a victory for the community.
This settlement ensures that Eastwest Healthy Center will remain closed and that its owners cannot open a similar business in El Paso County," Sanchez said. "It sends a clear message that we will not tolerate businesses that violate the law and harm our residents.
The settlement is the final resolution of all claims in the case.
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