I understand what you say BUT if someone is getting a flu shot, they probably aren't seeing it as toxic??
Many people have no clue, what they are recieving. They hear only what the commercials & their doctors tell them, while ignoring information regarding the side effects & the ingredients.
Look at how so many parents have followed the growing vaccination schedules over the years, & still do, for their children. All that while the rates of asthma, not to mention autism, have skyrocketted around the world. The pharmaceutical companies are making a fortune & keeping the doctors in business to push their products. While in the case of major diseases, we have seen a reduction of occurances, some of that can also be attributed to better food, living conditions & more sanitary practices in general, than just the vaccines. It makes me wonder why people don't choose to question & do their research before making their decisions.

When I have clients who I know are considering getting their flu shots, I avoid giving them "medical" advice, but I do give them a gentle suggestion to look up more information, on line or otherwise, prior to getting the shots.
Their health choices should at least be an informed choice.
Beyond that it's up to them to choose. My own choice is for prevention, through keeping myself healthy. If I start getting sick I do my best to rest & start using herbs, homeopathy, & supplements, not to mention chicken soup!
As to your original question about massage following a shot, I have to agree with jyoti on her post & would consider it a contraindication.