Yes, please.
There seems to have been some sort of "flakiness" of time representations; sometimes time being expressed as GMT+5, sometimes as GMT, sometimes as GMT+/-12.
Seeing as how the web site software claims it's supporting adjustments based on GMT, then it would probably be a slick idea for the time on the computer to be set based on GMT so that the documentation on "what to do" would be appropriate. (That being to set your profile to indicate GMT+5).
Even that isn't crucially important; what is really crucial is simply for the clock to be at least somewhat disciplined such that it reports, an hour from now, a time that is an hour later than what it is reporting now.
I'd suggest running NTP to permanently deal with the matter. Stick an NTP daemon/service on the server, have it point at to get a time "signal," and forget about it forever afterwards.