Hey Closer68,
Just so you know massageplanet.net has a link to the SRM website.
In the newbie's defense, using the search is not as fruitful for this question. While I did eventually find that info it took a while.
And lets be fair you can afford it but still have to ask. Not everyone is going to walk around with a big wad of cash, heck with some CCs it doesn't hurt to charge everything to it if you can pay it off right away. However, I can see that Sheik was joking.
At the very least look at the poor guy's post count and give the dude a break and point him in the right direction.
I'm sure LE comes on here but they've probably known about this site long enough to not have to fish for such a simple question.
Oh and one more thing closer......2 things you'll find people will be tight lipped about are services and tips so be patient and use the search..... at some point you're going to have to assume part of the risk and take the plunge.... any of the spas that get mentioned alot on massageplanet.net are good to try (i.e. HFH, SRM, Allure, PA, B&S, Platinum).
Sorry it's a tuesday morning and I'm feeling helpful. IF it was a wednesday I would have been all over the guy.