I caught up with Holly Taylor on her recent visit to Calgary. Holly has a well constructed website with completely untouched photos that accurately represents her http://www.hollytayloronline.com/
I was attracted to her youthful innocence and intrigued by her academic interests. We corresponded briefly through email and set up the requested two hour session.
In all honesty, I was a little nervous, as I had not been with an SP so young before. My preparations for the encounter went right down to the wire, and in fact I ended up being nearly ten minutes late when, to make matters worse, the hotel elevator got stuck. After finally getting the elevator doors open, I took the stairs down to the lobby. Luckily Holly was still there, sitting on a leather chair chatting on her cell. With my lateness, she told me thought she might have had the wrong hotel. I apologized profusely on the way back to the room.
We made ourselves comfortable on the couch and sipped bottled water as we talked about the west coast, university, economics, law, Marx, Nietszche and philosophy in general. It felt like we 'clicked' and, after a certain pause in the discussion, we simultaneously both knew it was 'time'.
I leaned forward, and we kissed. Holly was wearing a blue fleece top, a jean skirt and leather lace-up boots over red bikini lingerie. She looked like the kind of woman I wish I had gone out with in University. It was the perfect look I was in the mood for -- right down to her bookworm glasses, which only enhanced her soulful brown eyes. Holly is short (5') and quite petite. A definite spinner. She has silky white alabaster skin and, although not a hard body, seems fit and healthy.
Holly Taylor is a naturally inviting GFE, and I could not stop kissing her. She was just too cute and yummy looking. I kissed her all the way down her legs and boots, attempting to untie the laces with my teeth. I decided to keep her boots on. In fact, nothing much came off in the end. We petted and kissed and got each other steamed up....it was just like I wished happened during college. When I finished exploring what I could of her anatomy, I picked her up and carried her to the bed.
More petting and kissing. I slowly pulled her jean skirt off, and buried my nose in her panty-covered crotch. There is just something about the way a 19-year-old smells. Holly is clean-shaved and has no tattoos. I undressed myself and we necked like adolescents. When I couldn't take the suspense anymore, we rose from the bed and she hauled out her transparent supply bag of safety gear. I stood behind her looking at both our forms in the mirror in front of us while she fumbled for something to slip over me. I kissed her sweetly all over her neck, hair and shoulders telling her how beautiful she was and how crazy she was driving me.
I fell back on the bed and she proceeded with a CBJ. It was becoming warm in the room. The sensation was exquisite, with lots of furtive eye contact. After a few minutes, she mounted me for cowgirl. The facial expressions and squeals of delight made the moment special. The way Holly looks deeply and longingly into your eyes, she has a knack for making you feel like her boyfriend. At this point I don't remember much, as I was immersed in a state of sexual samadhi. We may have been in one other position, I don't recall.
The next thing I am aware of is undulating above her, calling out her name and seeing fireworks. Sweating and out of breath, I collapse beside her. For the next fifteen minutes or so we make post-coital baby talk punctuated with short passionate kisses. I am almost prepared to go back to Vancouver with her and become Holly's private tutor
We sit up and talk some more. Holly still has most of her clothes and glasses on. The two hours went by amazingly fast.
Other than the preliminary get-to-know-you banter, there was not much conversation. Holly is kind of quiet, shy and has a soft voice. In a rather wobbly and weakened state, I managed to escort her down to the lobby. "I had a great time," she said with a smile.
So did I.
L = 8.5 (Holly has an incredibly sweet college co-ed look)
A = 9 ( Very warm and tender-hearted. Since she is a relative newbie, she is a little reserved. So you will need to take the lead in guiding things somewhat)
S = 9 ( Met all expectations for a safe GFE. I did not attempt nor ask about Greek. I doubt it is on the menu. Rates are above average, so be warned. But I felt the experience was worth the admission.)
Repeat = yes
I was attracted to her youthful innocence and intrigued by her academic interests. We corresponded briefly through email and set up the requested two hour session.
In all honesty, I was a little nervous, as I had not been with an SP so young before. My preparations for the encounter went right down to the wire, and in fact I ended up being nearly ten minutes late when, to make matters worse, the hotel elevator got stuck. After finally getting the elevator doors open, I took the stairs down to the lobby. Luckily Holly was still there, sitting on a leather chair chatting on her cell. With my lateness, she told me thought she might have had the wrong hotel. I apologized profusely on the way back to the room.
We made ourselves comfortable on the couch and sipped bottled water as we talked about the west coast, university, economics, law, Marx, Nietszche and philosophy in general. It felt like we 'clicked' and, after a certain pause in the discussion, we simultaneously both knew it was 'time'.
I leaned forward, and we kissed. Holly was wearing a blue fleece top, a jean skirt and leather lace-up boots over red bikini lingerie. She looked like the kind of woman I wish I had gone out with in University. It was the perfect look I was in the mood for -- right down to her bookworm glasses, which only enhanced her soulful brown eyes. Holly is short (5') and quite petite. A definite spinner. She has silky white alabaster skin and, although not a hard body, seems fit and healthy.
Holly Taylor is a naturally inviting GFE, and I could not stop kissing her. She was just too cute and yummy looking. I kissed her all the way down her legs and boots, attempting to untie the laces with my teeth. I decided to keep her boots on. In fact, nothing much came off in the end. We petted and kissed and got each other steamed up....it was just like I wished happened during college. When I finished exploring what I could of her anatomy, I picked her up and carried her to the bed.
More petting and kissing. I slowly pulled her jean skirt off, and buried my nose in her panty-covered crotch. There is just something about the way a 19-year-old smells. Holly is clean-shaved and has no tattoos. I undressed myself and we necked like adolescents. When I couldn't take the suspense anymore, we rose from the bed and she hauled out her transparent supply bag of safety gear. I stood behind her looking at both our forms in the mirror in front of us while she fumbled for something to slip over me. I kissed her sweetly all over her neck, hair and shoulders telling her how beautiful she was and how crazy she was driving me.
I fell back on the bed and she proceeded with a CBJ. It was becoming warm in the room. The sensation was exquisite, with lots of furtive eye contact. After a few minutes, she mounted me for cowgirl. The facial expressions and squeals of delight made the moment special. The way Holly looks deeply and longingly into your eyes, she has a knack for making you feel like her boyfriend. At this point I don't remember much, as I was immersed in a state of sexual samadhi. We may have been in one other position, I don't recall.
The next thing I am aware of is undulating above her, calling out her name and seeing fireworks. Sweating and out of breath, I collapse beside her. For the next fifteen minutes or so we make post-coital baby talk punctuated with short passionate kisses. I am almost prepared to go back to Vancouver with her and become Holly's private tutor

Other than the preliminary get-to-know-you banter, there was not much conversation. Holly is kind of quiet, shy and has a soft voice. In a rather wobbly and weakened state, I managed to escort her down to the lobby. "I had a great time," she said with a smile.
So did I.
L = 8.5 (Holly has an incredibly sweet college co-ed look)
A = 9 ( Very warm and tender-hearted. Since she is a relative newbie, she is a little reserved. So you will need to take the lead in guiding things somewhat)
S = 9 ( Met all expectations for a safe GFE. I did not attempt nor ask about Greek. I doubt it is on the menu. Rates are above average, so be warned. But I felt the experience was worth the admission.)
Repeat = yes