In my opinion, you really need to go to a hands-on class - it is just so strange to go from working directly on soft tissue to working on the same soft tissue with 2 inches of basalt in between, a hands on class gets you started much further along that way of working than you can easily reach just watching a video. But there are some people that have never been to a hot stone class, got a video, BUT I think you will find most of them made the additional investment in treatments from other practitioners, which when you add it all starts getting close to the cost of a course.....
I've not seen the video available at massage warehouse, but have seen the following...
Healing Stone Massage includes stones and videos, the first video is not a bad place to start to give you an idea of what happens in a stone massage. It's 80minutes long, so covers quite a bit compared to some of the available 24minute videos! But she does speak v e r y s l o w l y. The second vidoebuilds on the first.
A review of a Bruce Baltz video recommended as something to get AFTER you have done some training. Finally got this - it is the best video I've seen on hot stone massage, but I will go along with the 'get it AFTER you've had some training' line. The subtleties that he is sharing won't sink in if you're trying to learn hot stone massage from this video (and it doesn't cover the basics anyway). Very, very, very informative. Buy it here Lots of good info on his site, worth reading the articles. I think these used to be the ones with a 24min video, and they've added another routine to make it up to a 55min DVD
not too bad, seeing 2 different routines can be worth it, but doesn'go into it in any real depth Sacred Stone Healing, they've got a few other videos too. I've not seen the video but did one of their courses, I assume the video will at least have a lot of good info.... Anyone seen it????
I've done training with LaStone and Sacred Stone in Australia. LaStone was much much much more professional and informative. LaStone have been doing the hot stone thing since 1993, they came up with the practice of using hot stones on the massage table in a MT's office, lots of people have copied the idea, added their own things to it, left out bits. I think Sacred Stone did their first stone training with LaStone, Healing Stone Massage did their original stone training with Sacred Stone, etc etc Lots of traditional cultures have used hot stones through the ages.
I finally managed to get my hands on a copy of Japanese Hot Stone Massage, but it hasn't arrived yet.