Keep Yahoo! SpamGuard turned on. To check if it’s on:
1.Sign in to Yahoo! Mail.
2.Click the Options menu in the upper-left corner, and select Mail Options from the pull-down list.
3.Click Spam from the list on the left.
4.In the SpamGuard section, next to Control SpamGuard there should be a check box. If it's checked,
SpamGuard is on.
5.Your spam folder is emptied once a month automatically. You can change the frequency in this section as well.
Image Blocking
Keep Image Blocking on. Image blocking defeats the confirmation “hits†that spammers receive whenever one of their images is viewed. Since a "view" can include the moment you click to open a spam message, selecting "Initially block all images" is your safest choice. Here's how to do it:
1.Click the Options menu in the upper-left corner, and select Mail Options from the pull-down list.
2.Click Spam from the list on the left.
3.In the SpamGuard section, find Block Images
4.Select Initially block all images. If you receive an email from a trusted source and it include images, you can always view it, or change your settings
The Spam button
If you get a spam message in your Inbox, check the box beside it, then click the Spam button.
If you change your mind or think you made a mistake, just look for the message from that sender in your Spam folder and click Not Spam