Congratulations! I too, have been pregnant while in the massage field. The first thing I would like to tell you is that ginger is an amazing way to get rid of any morning sickness, (or anytime of the day sickness, as I had it for 4 months before someone told me this) I went to my local health food store and asked about it. Ginger comes in many forms, but I chose to take capsules every 3 hours. If I would not take it right away I would feel the sickness coming on, so it really helped me. I think as far as telling your clients goes, when you feel ready to tell them, tell them. You are full of excitement and if you feel the desire to share this with people that have been in your life for such a long time, you should. They will all be so happy to hear the wonderful news. If you don't feel as though you want to share the news with your clients just yet, maybe letting them know your hours are changing because you and your husband are "trying to have a baby". Letting your clients know that you want to be healthy and not feel overly tired. The way I look at it is, the more positive thoughts and prayers the better! Once you are ready to stop working you should send all your clients an announcement of the news. You can include something about the new therapist, if and when you plan to come back. I had every intention of coming back 6 weeks after my youngest son was born. Then family life seemed so comfortable and not until 3 years later, was I back in the work force. So don't be to surprised if your plans change. Cute little babies have a way of doing that!!! You'll soon know what and how to do all of this. Trust your instincts and go with what feels right for you.Congratulations and good luck, my children are the lights in my world!