Well honestly it all depends on the situation or whether you and this man you are talking about are indeed toghther and have a deep connection with eachother. There is no way to tell for sure since we know nothing about this man that you speak of but if he is respectable enough and has enough sense he will take it for what it is, a back massage. On the other hand if you are giving him this back massage hoping that he would want more there is no need to try and beat around the bush as the saying goes but instead it would be wiser to talk to him about it discretely and see if he would be comftorable with doing such acts. also you do have the power to tell him before hand that its a back massage and only a back massage nothing else to it. If he tries such acts anyone then he is not a respectable man and you know that he is not trustworthy or worth the commitment. That is all have a good day!