I've always tried to use pictures of local Indian MPA's from my Highly Recommended list. In EVERY case I've had permission from the MPA herself.
One even sent me a "preferred" photo to modify.
Recently, I received a nice PM (NOT by the MODS, or "massageplanet.net") asking me to politely cease and desist, the primary reasons being:
1.) Certain MP's want to maintain control over "their girls" images WRT massageplanet.net.
2.) Not draw undue attention in a time of heightened LE/bylaw activitiy.
I thought about it and as I didn't pay for the original photos I've decided to play ball.... FOR NOW....
... in the mean time I'm using an old shot of an MPA who's been retired for 6 months. I kind of miss her, and I KNOW 100% she paid for the photos herself so there's no political bullshit.