It was done seated in a chair, and also shown seated but resting the chest on a pillow - the head was upright. The DVD is called "A Day At The Spa - Indian Head Massage". I do not know who presents it, but it is produced by Delta Corporation in 2004. As for the Milady's book - It wasn't called massage at all. It was scalp manipulations, and it was taught (I believe) as a service to provide rather than just shampooing the hair. It wasn't called massage, but manipulations, and though the Indian Head Massage DVD showed more than what was in the book, from watching her movements I could swear it was what I was tested on in school. When I went to ebay, I asked the seller if the book included the illustrations on the scalp manipulations and he said yes. I had to order another one because I have lost my book from our move here to Texas. When it arrives, I'll be happy to tell you what pages they are on. (Maybe they took it out of the newer texts? I went to school back in 1992, so that may be why you don't recall it).
Hope that helps - Heather