so..... it has been a while since I was in the area of Jaymini..... long time back (pre-pandemic)walked in after a trip nearby... the place had old out of date everything.. furniture..and such.. all from the 70s... including the older euro ladies
back to when House of Lancaster still existed on the Queensway... now there is a 6-8 story building going up there
but the Mr Sub across the street is still there..
so this week on a weekday.. ended up nearby....
literally had no intention of getting any massage from Jaymini .... had but only $20 in my pocket.... main stash well spent elsewhere

but walked in.. as a test shopper... to see what I could find out to report back,,, since absolutely no one ever does a review on this place.... now I know why..
its exactly the same as it was many years back.... all the furniture.. old dollar bills on the wall... lotsa creepy looking stuff on the walls.... never been dusted... maybe since the 70s
I walked to the back room with a lady.. didnt get her name... but at least she smiled and was polite...
was honest.. and asked her if any other lady was free as she was too wrinkly for me.... and I told her that I want to make sure I have enough $ for the service I was hoping for.. said that I could go to the bank and come back once I knew what to expect to spend
$40 for 30 min room fee
and $100 for a nude hand job.....yikes ....and up from there.......
I told her I could get full service from a much younger and hotter like 20s or early 30s... very easily for that in many other places nearby.....
then she just walked away towards the door and asked me to leave...
I said.. I will leave but only if she told me how much she charged for full service... she said 'please leave.. you cant afford it'....
told her that I am sure I could definitely.. afford it.. but I am not that foolish with my money...
I still am so incredulous that this place stays in business.... creepy looking place .. creepy looking ladies... who think too much of themselves and if they get one client a day... they literally need to try and make their whole day worth of tips from one guy...
stay away... MANY much better.. younger and more affordable choices available nearby ....
sorry but I just have to be honest... no bad intent... just calling it like i saw it