The Day jj Left NLBT
I meet up with monkeypaw in NL at the bridge. Our first stop is in El Centro, the bar Montera. We meet another guy here, we’ll call him charlie. Not much selection, so the three of us head to NLBT.
charlie, monkeypaw, bbond and myself are hanging out. They all hook up with girls, but I’m not finding anything so I head out.
Some nice looking girls here, but I’m anxious to see Danash, so I continue on.
But before Danash, I need my Marabu fix. I meet up with monkeypaw and bbond here. We chat w/ a girl at this place who knows my ex-novia, Sonya, and I finally get some honest answers about her. She’s back in Monclova for good, not to be returning. This is bad news but good that I finally get a true answer about where she disappeared to.
Renovations suck! The place is now red! It now looks more like a sleaze parlor than a high-class strip joint. And the dressing room that was once transparent is now blocked by a wall. And there are no women here tonight that I would pay $100 for. Didn’t stay here long. I needed to fuck and it wasn’t going to happen here.
I hook up w/ bbond in Pullman. This is where I see Melissa dancing on seforum.xxxe. We sit at the edge of the seforum.xxxe and she begins eyeing me and throwing her garments at me. I accept her smiles and return them with a hard-on. When she’s done, she comes by my table and we talk for a while. She’s from Veracruz. This is the second Veracruz girl I’ve been with and they were both very much my type. We fuck and then arrange to meet tomorrow at the club at 3pm so we can go downtown to eat.
The night is winding down so I head to Marabu to fuck a girl I have been talking with for quite some time. Bareback and all. I pull out right when I orgasm, a little too late, and probably blew half my cum load inside her.
Green Building
To sleep.
Saturday and Sunday were Hell Days for me and everything that turned the days against me will be marked with a Strike.
bbond and I catch the bus to Soriana. We hit all the stores in search of my Telcel girl. I can’t believe how many Telcel stores there are in these shopping centers. At least two in the HEB shopping center and 3 inside the Soriana. I jump on Putaneros for a bit at the internet massageplaneté in Soriana and as I’m about to give up my search for the Telcel girl, there she is! She’s stationed at a little Telcel booth in the Soriana. She’s getting off at 8 so I tell her I’ll stop by and pick her up to give her a ride.
Things are going great! I had a wonderful Friday night and now I’ve got two dates, one with Melissa at 3 and one with Janette (pron. Yanette), the Telcel girl, at 8. I realize most of you do this MX monger-dating thing very often, but this is my first time and I’m excited about the experience, especially with a non-pro.
I need my truck. I left it parked on the US side and if I’m going to take two girls out today, I need my own personal transportation. We catch the bus from Soriana to the bridge. As we approach, I realize I didn’t bring my keys (Strike 1). They’re still in my room. Back to NLBT to pick up my keys. bbond stays in El Centro.
monkeypaw is at my place when I arrive. He tells me the bridge wait is several hours and not to even try bringing my truck across. So, I decide to settle with the taxi service since the time is approaching 3.
Before I leave, the Green Building Manager has already taken my dirty clothes and washed them without my permission. She sticks out her hand. She wants $5 for it (Strike2)! I tell her I don’t have the money now but will pay her later. (I don’t mind paying $5 for her washing my clothes but at least ask before you charge for your services! Truth is, I had plenty of clean clothes for the weekend and I didn’t need those clothes washed.) I will never stay in the Green Building again. This is bullshit! I’m fed up with all the hidden charges and gate locking. It’s convenient, but in the end I’ve paid just as much as a normal hotel.
3 pm. I enter Pullman and expect to see Melissa hanging around here. The Asst. Manager tells me she’s asleep and her friend is waking her up. I have a few beers while I wait. Nothing like a drunken mongerer wandering around NLBT.
I wait for about 30 minutes and then her friend comes out and tells me she tried to wake up Melissa but she was fast asleep (Strike 3). I realize I’ve slipped by falling for an NLBT whore and actually thinking this girl would be reliable. I decide to go ahead and get my truck for later, since I’m not doing anything now anyway.
I go by my room for 20 minutes then head to the BT gate. I pass by two girls in street clothes and sunglasses in the street trying to wave me down but I ignore them thinking they’re just street sluts looking for business. As I’m walking outside the compound walls, there’s bbond! He’s returning from downtown. We chat for a few minutes and here comes the two girls from the street. bbond says it’s my girl but I don’t believe him until they get up close. Oh, shit, it is Melissa! I didn’t even recognize her behind the sunglasses and in street clothes! She apologizes and says she had too much to drink the night before and that’s why she overslept. I was still upset and warded off any attempts she gave to hug me. I’m not sure what to think at this point. I just don’t feel like a Strike 4 so I send the two whores on their way and off I go for the long ride to the bridge.
It’s evening time now, so the bridge traffic is gone and I easily bring my truck across. A little later, I’m off to Soriana.
I show up a little before 8 to tell Janette I’ll be around when she gets off. She seems skittish and tells me she can’t talk to me very long because her supervisor is watching. I let her know I’ll just wait in the internet massageplaneté until she gets done. She starts telling me she’s not really sure how late it will be because she has a lot of phones to register and lock up and she shows me this box full of phones. I again tell her it’s okay and I’ll just wait at the massageplaneté until she’s done. But, at this point, I’m growing suspicious of where this conversation has led. The hints are there, I’ve had this brush-off line in the US many a times. I guess I wasn’t expecting this in MX, but it looks like I’m about to get stood up a second time today.
I wait about an hour, until about 9pm. As I’m looking around for where Janette went off to, there’s charlie! He’s with a few people, and they’re going into the theatre next door to the Soriana. We chat and when they leave, I’m off to make one last round for Janette. All three Telcel offices in the store are closed and it’s almost 9:30pm now. I’ve been stood up a second time (Strike 4).
I’m heading back into NLBT and I get the routine truck search. I talk with the federale for a little bit and it turns out he’s off the next day so I tell him we’ll go have lunch somewhere. We exchange info. and off I go to park in Papagayos.
Lucy immediately grabs me and I drag her to one of the tables. We make out at the table and then negotiate $60 total. We go back to the room and have our fun, then I emerge from the back rooms to discover three recognizable figures sitting at the end table. bbond, monkeypaw, and sbwcbrad74 are here! Lucy and me walk up to the table and it turns out we’ve all fucked this same girl, Lucy.
I’m very depressed about the 4 strikes in my day, but as I look around the table and see my friends being crowded by whores, I can’t help but laugh. We’re having a great time and I’ve got women to fuck!
Same Old
Usual rounds to all the clubs (Tamykos, Marabu, Danash). Danash mesero at door gives me bad look and throws his hands in the air at other meseros as if disgusted by me entering (Strike 5). This isn’t the first time they’ve done this to me. Other trips, other stories about this.
I fuck some door girl somewhere along the way here as I’m cruising the compound with sbwcbrad74. Pretty much entire package, including bareback but I didn’t finish.
Getting depressed again and decided to go see if Melissa is around. She’s at the bar about to get on seforum.xxxe so I go chat with her a little while. She goes on seforum.xxxe and dances, then gets off seforum.xxxe and completely ignores me?????? (Strike 6). Funny thing is I probably would have spent some cash to fuck her one more time. Oh, well. A little later we returned to Pullman and sbwcbrad74 also gets fucked over by an overpriced bitch, so we both agree this place is done—I will not return to Pullman!
Don Luis Tacos
I walk around the compound and stop at a few places to get drunk. We go to Don Luis for some tacos. Between the three of us, we spend $20. Then, the guy comes to our table and holds out his hand. “Tip”. What the fuck! I’ve never been asked for a tip here. They know me here and I’ve spent plenty here, as well as brought all my friends here and I’m willing to leave a tip, but the guy has never walked up to me and demanded a tip before! (Strike 7) Oh, taco man, we’ve always been good friends. Why do you have to add to my weekend misery.
Green Building
This day has got to get better!
Walking along the second street I stop to chat with two girls sitting outside the tattoo shop. Girl looks up at me.
jj: “Hi, how’s it going!”
Girl: “What do you want?!” (she speaks English)
jj: “Just seeing what you all are up to.” (I’m still trying to be friendly and smile even though she seems upset at me?)
Girl: “I’m talking to my friend right now could you go away.”
jj: (I see the tattoos on her arm.) “Oh, that’s cool. Let me see!”
Girl: (Doesn’t budge, just looks up and rolls her eyes.) “Could you just leave. We’re busy right now.” (Strike 8)
I can’t take the abuse anymore so I head away from these bitches.
Hotel Mexico
monkeypaw and sbwcbrad74 pick me up at my place and we go to Hotel Mexico to pick up my Federale buddy. He takes us to a great little restaurant and we order a huge party platter of meat. It was great! Afterwards, we head to El Centro to check out El Montera Bar.
El Montera Bar
I hook up w/ a girl at this bar and take her to the motel next door. I fuck her bareback and blow a load into her wet pussy. My churchgoing Federale friend and monkeypaw say about my barebacking, “NO!” but I say “YES!”----(Espanish, monkeyaw, espanish!)
I head back to nap and then head to Soriana for a few things. When I return, I park in Papagayos and head inside to see if the guys are here. They’re not, so I leave and begin walking out to check the other clubs when the Papagayo’s parking attendant calls me over. He says I can’t leave my truck parked in the parking lot unless I’m staying there (Strike 9). Papagayos has just lost my business.
Green Building
I take my truck and park in front of my room. I talk with Nerin about my situation and how everyone in BT is pulling out their fucking cocks and pissing on me! She talks with me a while and tries to cheer me up, which turns me on, so I fuck her. Then, I’m off to find my friends to say goodbye so I can head home and get away from all this before my top blows.
I ask the mesero at the door, who dislikes me, if my friends are in the club and he reluctantly says yes. Oh, the look on his face. Fuck you, too. I order a drink and give our mesero 200 pesos. The mesero comes back a few minutes later and says they can’t break the 200 pesos (Strike 10)! I’ve broken $100 bills here before and this club has serious cash in their register. They can’t break $20?! Even Dragon Azul and Shamrock can break 200 pesos! A fucking street vendor can break 200 pesos! (hmmm… I now being paranoid or is the talk among meseros to get rid of this particular customer) I order two drinks instead of one so they can make change for me. And, another dissatisfied customer has just left the building, never to return.
Still closed. Is this for good? Will they ever re-open. I miss my wife, Azucena. At least she treated me decent. Would like to see her new tits.
sbwcbrad74 points out a new girl in Shamrock. I bring her over and it is only her second day working there. 18yo, petite, light-skinned, and completely confused. I negotiate $40 for her, $15 for room. I give her the $55 and we go to the counter to pay up for the room. The counter lady renegotiates the price! (Strike 11) She says $60 for the girl, $15 for room! Fucking bitch! I look at the girl and she has no clue what’s going on. I take the $5 back from the girl and dig out a $10 from my pocket. I’m dealing with this shit because I really want to fuck this girl. But, when it’s done, Shamrock is also marked off my list! So, total was actually $65. I guess I didn’t get ripped that bad, but it’s the principle of the matter. And it looked as if the lady took some of this girls money, but the exchange was so fast I didn’t quite understand what the whole transaction was about. The girl didn’t either. I actually felt bad for her. She was so confused and just handing her money to the lady. She had no clue.
So, finally in the room, I barebacked this one and blew a serious load into that tight pussy. Third tightest pussy I’ve had in my life. Very, very new and needed coaching, which I didn’t mind doing.
I need a place to stay since I’m vacating my BT room for the night and I ask her if I can stay at her place when she gets off. She says ok. We arrange to meet at 2am when the club closes.
Dragon Azul
monkeypaw joins me in Dragon Azul. A very small, petite girl is dancing here. I buy her a drink and we talk. She’s only $40 + $15 room, but I only have $10 left in my pocket. Curiously, I ask how much for TLN. She says $100 total (including salida). I’m thinking, hell yes, great deal. Then, she breaks me—TLN for only 2 hours! Fuck no! I tell her I need more time than that but she won’t budge. Although this is just a simulated negotiation, I would never pay that much for just 2 hours, unless they’re a higher-end strip club girl. I leave Dragon Azul. I would have fucked her in the club but I didn’t have any money left.
Green Building
One last time in this place. I pack up my stuff and throw it in the truck. The manager sees me leaving and sticks our her hand for money! Then, she sees I’m truly pissed off and she puts her hand away. I go ahead and dig in my pocket for whatever pesos I had left but she refuses. I think she finally gets the point that I’m fed up with this shit. She gives me a hug and tells me that there are better things waiting for me elsewhere. I guess this makes up for all the shit she’s fed us for so long. I say goodbye to Nerin and then off to Shamrock for my girl.
I park by Shamrock and grab my girl. She looks sad. She says her mom has her keys to her house and she needs to go pick them up but doesn’t want her mom to know I’m coming home with her. At first I’m thinking, what a great ending to a fucked up weekend. Another fucking whore, another blow-off. Then, she starts crying and telling me she wants me to come with her but she’s scared her mom will find out. Yes, true tears! Oh, now I just feel fucking bad. I tell her it’s okay, that I’ll just drive home tonight, but she doesn’t want me to leave. Oh, shit, now I’m going to start crying. The only truly sincere whore I’ve had all weekend and in a few weeks, she’ll be wheeling and dealing like the rest of them.
Okay, enough of the sob story. I ended up driving home. Got into town a little after 6am on Monday and crashed out.
Since I have banned myself from practically every club in NLBT, I have decided I will never return to this shithole! My next report will be from Acuna/Piedras, the one after from Reynosa, and then MTY. Most likely these adventures will not begin until October, but look forward to seeing you guys out there.
Very good to meet monkeypaw, sbwcbrad74, and charlie! Always a good time hanging out with bbond! Lots of great company this weekend! Hey guys, thanks for the support during my tragic weekend. And not to forget our federale friend, “espanish, monkeypaw, espanish”.
weekend positives: 7 total fucks, 4 bareback, many goals topped this weekend, Friday was the best night I’ve ever had in NL
weekend negatives: If I wanted to get blown-off and treated like shit, I would have stayed in the US! Saturday and Sunday were the worst nights I’ve ever had in NL