so a boy and a girl are playing at the park. They decide to take all theair clothes off b4 getting in the sand so they dont get their clothes dirty. So boy askes the girl, whats' that? to girl says i dont know. then vise versa. So the boy goes home and asks his father whats this? the father syas thats ur car park it any garage u want. The girl goes home and asks her mom mom whats that? the mom syas thats ur garage dont let any boy park their car in it so the boy and the girl go back to the park and take off their clothes and told eachother what their parents. So when the girls goes back, home the mom askes? whay is there blood all over your clothes? the girl replies well a boy tried to put his car in my garage so i gave him a couple of flats!
joke 2 a cat is walking along a pool and falls in and a roster sees the whole thing?
so what do u get? a wet pus*y and a happy c*ck!