I assume winner, that you're one of . I thought was pretty direct.
How's this: What 5 min? What flip? What time-wasters! Next you'll be wanting an actual massage move. Even two! Not in my sessions! Everything was within normal limits, but if I wanted a massage rather than a sensual bodyrub, I wouldn't be on massageplanet.net looking for it.
I know there are guys who really value the kink-removing queens. Some don't really care about the Happy Ending and merrily exchange reviews an RMT would be happy to get, and some want all that plus nudity, touching and a HE, but not me. I'm there strictly for the her-ness of any and all the pleasant caressing going. I enjoy my kinks, and don't have any I want removed.
I've often fantasized about how to separate the various schools of customer-thought in this Forum, but its all so personal and various I don't see how. Which is one of the reasons I lose patience with empty-heads posting stuff like As if we're all just his clones with the same tastes. And Mind-readers at that.
Sorry for the rant. I'd be surprised if Rachel's experience didn't include making massage-seekers happy, but I cannot speak to her skill or anyone elses there.
Meantime, as in most aspects of life, the real info and all the fun is between the lines. Enjoy