they didn't actually barge into the room... there was 2 male uniformed police officers, 1 male bylaw officers and 2 female bylaw officers... one of the female bylaw women was continuously banging on the room door which was locked and yelling " unlock the door,.. open the door .. what are you doing in there, ! ... ".. the mpa immediately slid off me onto the floor behind the table and began frantically getting dressed sans bra, underwear or socks.. i rolled over on to my front.. once the mpa was somewhat dressed she opened the door... the female bylaw woman entered & started asking the mpa why she didnt open the the door when i asked ... what were you doing in here ? ..... are those your cloths ? pointing the her bra and underwear laying on the stool .... we want to talk to you mam said the officer .... I had my face in the hole of the table at this time ... bylaw lady tells me to get dressed, then leaves the room ... so yea I dress faster than superman in a phone booth ... lol .. I walk out into the hallway, the 3 bylaw people had the 3 mpa's in back room, ... i ask if i can leave, the loud female bylaw woman says yes.. i walk out , the 2 cops are in the reception area chatting, one of them says to me .. " enjoy the rest of your day sir " ... hahaha ... I got the fuck out of there ....they can only give foot and head massages now ...