O.K. I've got another question about LE. Some of my friends believe that every region, there's a certain day that they go around (or are more likely to go around.) For example, most of my friends say that in Richmond Hill, they usually go around on Thursdays; in Scarborough, they usually go around on Tuesdays. (except at my ex-spa, I think they were there EVERYDAY because every time I went in to work, they were there, and I only worked on and off.) Anyways, do you think there's any truth to that? The last 2 times I bumped into them, I think it WAS on a Tuesday. I'm about... 15 percent sure. I've since changed my shifts and haven't seen them since. But then, my friend who's also in Scarborough, but at a different spa, says she was pretty sure she saw them on a Friday, and not on a Tuesday. What do you guys think because I want to avoid running into them if I can. Everytime I see them I get bad luck 3 weeks later.