Hi,I am in the process of completing a course in pre and post natal massage which has so far been great. However, one of the things that came up is that massage should be avoided on a woman who is undergoing IVF treatment up until 20 weeks of pregnacy - absolutely avoided while they are undergoing treatment. The thought behind this is that IVF pregnancies are viewed as being high risk, and that by massaging you impact their blood pressure and body temperature which may result in creating an environment that is not conducive to conception or maintaining the pregnancy.I have done some on-line research and can find nothing to support this claim. The reason that I am particulary interested in this is that I have a client who is undergoing IVF and who feels that massage helps with relaxation in what is without a doubt a very stressful time for her.I would be very interested to hear other therapist's experiences and thoughts on this matter. I have said to her that while she is in cycle it would be best to get her doctor's ok for massage treatments.I look forward to hearing from you!Thanks!