You know, I often have to resist making comments based solely on looks because it is only my own personal tastes and perceptions and I understand a womans beauty can manifest in many other ways than just her physical appearance and my lack of attraction should never be used to dissuade others, especially if I haven't had a session to make a more informed opinion.
I did that once with Rebecca and both you guys stuck up for her and for good reason, my experience with her echos almost exactly what Mick just said here. And my initial impression of UB's new fave did nothing for me either, my comment there actually got a pm from her and I realized how hurtful and unneccessary it was. Both of those girls look has no correlation to how gorgeous they are as people or give an accurate representation of their attitude or service once in session.
Just keep that in mind with Monica, she may not be your fancy but until you experience her in session I don't think you will fully appreciate how beautiful and fun she really is.