I.T. is a great place.
M.O. is near IBM. Few good talents can be hard to book.
For Markham and Richmondhill MP, call first as few only accept regs or screening clients.
You posts suggest you may have some interest in Asians. The quality of Asian in GTA are better than your neck of the woods.
For quality asians, do an extra 15-20 mins car/taxi ride, go south to Scarborough, give Diamond Spa a try. Address is 2950 Kennedy Rd, Unit #8. Call (416)298-5898 first to ensure the girl you are interested in is available.
Go East on Hwy 7,
Right on Kennedy Rd (heading south),
Keep your eye on passenger side (west) for 2950 Kennedy.
It's the plaza with Mac's conv. store. Unit #8 tugged in the corner shares door with Indian video rental place.
Have fun.