"Robin's peak has cum and gone. When she was at Studio B, she was GREAT, but when I saw her at Allure her nose was so far in the air I am sure all she could smell were the exhaust fumes from the planes overhead."
Actually her nose is in the air because, after years of suffocation, she's able to breathe again. I knew Rob a while back and we talked about her nightmares.
How guys, probably some of you, come in after a hard day. You deal with going to jail or having no job on welfare - hey maybe your girl's a lesbian. Poor you. So you look for a massage to relax.
It's just some girl you can call a "slut", "bitch", hey it's relaxing, because they are paid and so have no feelings like hurt or fear. They don't cry at night.
Despite the vaunted money everyone keeps talking about, it is a rough business anyway you slice it. Rob has been through a lot and it's never been easy for her. Paying someone doesn't mean you should abuse, even behind their back or (particulary) on the internet. No matter how lousy or stressed you feel. Including saying some young lady is a snob just because she found a nice, safe place to work.
Lesson: Don't judge others until you know there pain.