Well, I whole heartedly agree with whats been said above.
But. Some adult entertainment establishments need to tone down on certain aspects of their advertising. I mean If you checked on pulse 24, you would have noticed an article on a massage parlours ad being placed on city garbage bins.
Then apparently there was/is one advertising on a billboard!
As for Plush. That big yellow sign placed on the sidewalk is too much for such a neighborhood. If it was a business/industrial district, then sure, why not. But in such a crowded, business/residential area. It's innapropriate. It catches the eye of the wrong kind of people (families, kids, disgruntled women ...ect). This sort of entertainment requires discretion.
As such, adult establishments should advertise discreetly and in the right places, and not be 'in your face' to the entire public. Otherwise, they present themselves as visible targets to cops, politicians, media, activists and the like.