Funny thread, with TCM having the last laugh.
Years back, while I was still going to MPs, I walked into this place. There was a stunning girl behind the counter, and she was being reamed out by a female customer. The girl gave the customer her money back and screamed at her to get out. Then crying, she came from around the counter and hugged me, as if she needed consolation, and moaned about how awful the woman had been. Now, what would any of do with a beautiful girl crying in your arms? I put my arms around her and consoled her. So she moves in close, I can feel her breasts pushed against me, she smells good, and then.... she asks me if I want to stay for a massage.
Bwah! Of course the crying was fake and she just saw an opportunity to reel in another man for a tease job. I laughed at her, and myself, and left. This place makes a good coin on the tease, so I don't feel any sympathy for those poor pretty things if they have to deal with the occasional boner, that they're just going to ignore anyway.
Guy, you still don't get it. It could be a legit RMT, it could be an emergency doesn't fucking matter. If an attractive woman puts herself in a situation like that, where a man is naked, lying in front of her, and she's running her heads all over him in a sensual manner, then there's nothing to be disgusted or surprised about when the one-eyed snake salutes.