I guess its semantics, but I'm really not fond of the word "cure" as it relates to bodywork...(I'm really fine with it as it applies to ham though ย ;D) ย I offer treatment based upon my training, intuition, and feedback from my clients...but "curing" imply's that I administer something and that I am responsible somehow for the outcome. ย As yrusore has pointed out... its not possible to cure someone who chooses not to be well.I find it much more reasonable that I help the patient/client heal, or find comfort within, themselves...and yes, I can play a large role, or a small role...and I am responsible for my intent and my actions...but in no way do I want to be judged "responsible" for the client's outcome....healing is a multi-faceted process that amazes me constantly. ย I feel honored to be a part of the healing process, but I am not "the" process, the "elixer", or even "the only possible set of magic hands"It seems a small step to having one's ego suddenly running the show if one starts to beleive that one can, should or is obligated to cure the sick/injured....and even with the best of intentions, that's an awful heavy burden to carry, being responsible for manifesting wellness in one's clients. JMHO,Rob"Stand in the place where you are"