No, I was not shilling for myself, it was a simple misunderstanding where the mods thought I was 4 or 5 different people, and I, of course, am only one.
I wish I were as eloquent as Philski! Kracker's right. I am very bright, but I certainly don't have the skill and pizzaz that Philski does in his writing.
It's funny that Kkarn figured out that Philski wanted to be my white knight and charm the pants off me by sticking up for me on here... he did, and he did
As for Johnny Soporno, we've been friends forever, and I'm not sure why he got caught up in this, because he had nothing to do with shilling or whatnot. I guess because I share his WiFi, they assumed we were one and the same.
Anyhow, I hope that clears up any misunderstandings you guys had about my being banned, and I hope the collateral damage gets repaired soon!
Violet xoxox