Nice to see that the gutless and delusional flakes of the neo-Nazi ultra-right are continuing their moronic pattern of not dealing with or even considering the facts. Apparently, the same anti-science morons who spew their madness about climate change are looking to slander any advocate, and are willing to go to an extreme to do so, including exaggeration and outright lies.
First of all, the "rape" is a bold-faced lie, and even the hooker--who, by the way, never actually substantiated she so much as met Gore!--never even suggested that. Only flakes of the maggot neocon persuasion use that fraudulent word.
And it has NOTHING TO DO with the Clinton wedding.
Where do you morons manufacture this crap? Wizard of Odd Glenn Beck? You can't get any more
fraudulent. One cop noted that Gore, even believing this publicity-driven hag, hadn't been with this woman for more than a few minutes, and she had some kind of recording device, apparently for some sort of blackmail-related purpose, on all her "calls". If there were a case, he asked, why wasn't there a recording? It was a con from the get-go, and the neo-Nazi right wants to use it as
some kind of dagger. What cynical, mincing cowards!
Here, nitwits, is a rather bland summary of what actually transpired:
From: Accumulated AP and Fox sources, etc.
"Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Schrunk announced the
case was closed Friday with the release of a memo that cited "contradictory
evidence, conflicting witness statements, credibility issues, lack
of forensic evidence and denials by Mr. Gore."
Senior Deputy District Attorney Don Rees said in his memo that
Hagerty and her attorneys were uncooperative, witnesses could not remember
anything unusual, Hagerty failed a polygraph examination and she would
not say whether she was paid by a tabloid newspaper for her story.
Hagerty had claimed unwanted sexual contact by Gore on Oct. 24, 2006,
at the Hotel Lucia in downtown Portland, including an "open-mouthed kiss,
an inescapable embrace" and the fear she was "on the brink of being forcibly raped."
Some authorities inferred a record of previous attempts at garnering publicity.
Others noted that a lapse of over three years in lodging charges and
many, many publicity-seeking contacts to various news agencies, without
documentary evidence, suggested fraud.
There were questions about Hagerty's claims from the beginning.
The initial 2009 investigation resulted in a dismissive memo.
The memo noted that investigators determined the claims
"did not merit further inquiry" and did not refer it to the district attorney's office.
She had also given her story to the Portland Tribune, which said it
thoroughly investigated her allegations รขโฌโ including interviewing
her รขโฌโ only to determine it wasn't responsible to move forward with a story.
It's still unclear whether Hagerty sought compensation from the National
Enquirer, and whether she received payment from any publication."
It is presumed by many commentarians that propagandists and publicists
for the U.S. ultra-right such as the notorious and uncredentialed Glenn
Beck and the nearly completely ignorant Rush Limbaugh
will further press this matter, especially since there appear to be
no supporting facts. These scum THRIVE on innuendo, inference,
exaggeration, and lies.