Hey! Congrats on choosing massage, that's awesome! Hopefully I can help.
When you're choosing a massage school, the best thing to do is find schools in your area. I linked you to the best site on the web to find massage therapy schools below. Then, you request more information from them. This is totally free, so you're not obligated to do anything at this point. All the schools listed on Massage Register are known to be reputable and trustworthy and provide excellent massage therapy education.
After you request more information from each school you're interested in, an admissions representative from those schools should contact you. At this point you should make sure to get all of your questions answered. Make sure to ask about cost, tuition assistance or financial aid they have available, what modalities (types of massage) they teach, what their days/hours are like for scheduling, etc. I linked to some informational articles about this part below, too.
I hope this helps! Good luck in your search!