Oh my...
What a downer. Thumper's post is like a really depressing movie; once into it, I need to see the ending even though I know it's going to make me feel like shit.
I'm trying my best to ignore you guys who have fallen for the illusion, but you're not making it easy with posts like this! Listen, it's real simple, and, it's been said before: there's a lot of competition out there in this market, and, as a result MP's and MPA's [in order to maintain repeat business] are going to do what it takes to "keep your business". Is that any different than any other business? Some of these girls are absolute pros in using the 30min. you share with them to find your weakness. This is not a bad thing! I like it when a girl finds my weakness, cause [I guess lucky in my case] it's all a physical thing. However, it would appear as if many of you have walked into an MP with an emotional hole that needs filling, and, perhaps there has been much miscommunication. Perhaps the MPA feels that you WANT that hole to be filled (even if it is for just 30min.) and servicing you not just physically but emotionally as well - maybe now I'm starting to understand all this talk about GFE and the big search for it...And, it's totally clear why I'm not into it!
Normally I would end it there, but there's more. Having said all of the above, I must admit that I'm getting sick of type of fun - unfortunately I've been exposed to the "real" side of what this business can do to a girl. Not sure why, perhaps just timing, but one particular girl felt like opening up to me (not my request, trust me) and it's heart wrenching. There's nothing I can do for her, there's nothing I would do for her - nonetheless I've got a bad taste in my mouth about this "game".
In another situation a friend of mine, who would never have gone to an MP unless I pushed him has [unbelievably] started what I guess you'd call a relationship with the girl I saw??? (He wouldn't go in when I did, but went back a few weeks later). Totally straight guy who could literally have any girl he wants has developed feelings for this MPA. So...I wonder, maybe I'm wrong? Do some of these girls go to far with the mind-fuck deal? Cause this guy is a heartbreaker - I've been there to clean up some of the messes from girls he left behind when we lived in the same city. But, in this cause I went in, got my rocks-off and buddy goes back for a date? Of course my biggest dilemma at this point is; do I still go and see this girl (she's alright, just don't like the idea of crossing anyone of my list)?? Or, does that cross-the-line between good friends? WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!??!?!
I think it's time for a break...It's getting way too serious to be considered fun...