However, I think a list is useful because......
1) it makes the mods job easier
2) it saves reviewers the time wasted writing a review
3) it helps the person interested in having the NRP in the first place
What are the reasons that a MPA or MP would have a NRP that would be compromised by being on the list? I really can't think of one.
Now that being said there is one other interesting issue that is coming out of this so please understand that I'm approaching this with the utmost respect for these members.........
I understand that once in a while a review will get yanked because of a NRP. Yeah it sucks. But does it happen often? No, probably not.
Also, at the end of the day is it the massage or writing the review that you enjoy the most? Hopefully, the the massage.
I understand that as men this type of "collecting" if you will is a common trait be it vinyl, comics, baseball cards, women, reviews whatever.
Guess what I'm trying to say is that I understand that this is about more than "just" sharing of information for some of you guys but why let infrequent inconvineances sour your experiences which you care for so deeply?
Once in a while Micheal Jordan got bad calls...... he didn't pick up his ball and go home.
Now before people think by using the term "you guys" that I don't consider myself part of that group. I need to say yes I too am a person that gets a kick out of getting massages, writing reviews and talking about the girls. I'm trying to take a break from the hobbying end but I still enjoy the discussion aspects of it.