
  1. O

    WARNING: New Virus Alert!

    If you receive an email entitled "Fighting Canaries," delete it immediately. Do not open it! It will not only erase everything on your hard drive, but it will also delete anything on disks within 20 feet of your computer. It demagnetises the stripes on ALL of your credit cards. It reprograms...
  2. H

    Congtagious Virus

    A man returns to the U.S. from Africa feeling very ill. He goes to see his doctor, and is immediately rushed to the hospital, to undergo a barrage of extensive tests. The man wakes up after the tests in a private room at the hospital, and the phone by his bed rings. "This is your doctor...
  3. L

    How to get rid of the facebook chat virus?

    It started when somebody sent me a link on chat, and then i got the virus. now every time i get on facebook, i send a link to somebody and then they get mad at me. how do i get rid of it? i already tried deleting all of my apps and changing my password.
  4. J

    I'm getting over a virus. Is it a bad idea to go get a massage?

    I've had a virus for about a week, but it's going away slowly. I still cough and am somewhat congested, but I no longer have a fever and haven't since Sunday. The problem is that being sick has made all my muscles hurt so much. I'd like to go get an hour massage. Would it be a bad idea at this...