
Attention Ladies. Are you stressed and sore. Do you have aches and pains that impact your life and sleep? Do you wish you could get a great massage without leaving home? Catering to ladies. I am offering a very skilled deep tissue massage for those aces and pains. Or a nice non sexual relaxation massage to help you feel amazing. I have trained and worked extensively with an RMT who taught me many techniques. i have also developed some of my own. I will come to you in the comfort of your own home. No need to go out. I accept donations based on how much you feel the massage helped you to feel better and more relaxed. I'm in the Langford/Colwood area. If your interested Please text me at 250- 883- 3829. Please leave your name and return number to contact you. Please state length of session and time and day you would like. Thank You.
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