Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
... been awhile since I saw Lucy
... actually tried 2 give up on her long time ago, but I've relapsed multiple times!
For those who nvr met her, lemme give my impressions...
kick, couldn't get it from Lucy... so I just moved on...
With many lapses of going back 2 her, bcuz damn, she ticks all the other boxes
, and the kissing actually started coming around...
Needless 2 say, YMMV, & it's taken me a damn long time!
... our seshes = xxxtremely bf-gf, like we're long lost friends, talkng, hugging, laffing... Ive seen her @ end of shift a few times, & we're just chatting long after we're both supposed 2b outta there... usually, this kinda interaction makes me, uh, NERVOUS
bcuz I don't want the mpa getting 2 many ideas that I'm hubby
material, but ... her looks make me relax... she's just so so way outta my league!
... Lucy understands, w/o a shadow of a doubt, that I totally dig her... & it brings out a special energy & enthusiasm
COVID hit. Fucking virus.
...so nobody getting much DFK, even @ agencies, & spas closed down or in stealth mode
... but a lil bird
told me that I should try 2 connect w Lucy during the lockdown... so I called her old cell, ta da
! We got back in touch...
Same gr8 body, thick hair, sparkling eyes, gr8 gr8 service... but I couldn't even get the mask off...
Still, things opening up! I've been client during tuff times, mebbe, just mebbee...
Then she disappears from SL sched! Hmm...
... despite our amazing verbal connection & how attractive I find her, can't help thinking, I'm not really she would choose 2b in a rm with...
She's left Shangri-LA... now she can go out there & call up her regs, let'm know where she is... or she's a trophy
wife somewhere... Im not xxpectng 2c her again...
... then I get a DM... long time poster but dunno the guy... says Lucy wants 2c ME!
It seemed kinda unlikely... Im thinking its a prank... but after a few days, I thot, WTF they dunno that I called her cell, should b private, right?
So I txted her cell #...
... no reply... yeah, that's what I thot... get on my bike,
going 4 a ride... suddenly my phone = blowing up! Bling! Bling! Bling! ... I check txt msgs, holy moley! She REALLY wants 2 talk w me?!?! 
So I call her... & its like reconnecting w old gf! That old chemistry, her laff, convo that just flows... and I get an invitation to her NEW secret workplace... not even officially open yet!
... so here I am biking
thru Thornhill... looks just the same as pre-pandemic... in fact, looks the same as decades ago TBH... & sail right past Shangri-La.... damn hard not 2go inside! 
.... looking for unit #33... very hard locating, I see 31, then 22
... I get a text message with a picture, ah! Right in the middle at the back of 160 East Beaver Creek...
... suddenly a very sexy girl in a pink tennis outfit waves me inside! I came inside, and she's wearing a mask...
... uh oh.
... my heart = totally sinking...
... but the new place looks awesome, and that outfit caught my interest
... & we start talking & laffing & hugging, Im starting 2 think, huh, what's up w the damn mask? So I ask... & it disappears! Ah!
... Pretty? I don't mean gd lookng 4 an mpa, I mean, if "I-showed-up-@-a-party-w-her-everyone-would-turn-their-heads" type pretty. Some Asian dudes on msgplanet have said she's not that pretty (altho many like her 2) ... only way I can xxxplain this... u don't like Asian girls. U wanna white girl w Asian eyes mebbe. I dunno.
I couldn't improve her face.
... this new spa feels like a hotel, & Im startng to think, I am the luckiest guy on the 'planet!
Lucy's showing me every rm... its like a hotel, amazing glittering fixtures... & she starts flirting w me, we could play in THIS rm, we could have lots of fun in here... shows me table shower & two large glass showers, & when I say, hey, we could do SF2, she sez, Yes, we should do that!
Then she shows me this gigantic comfy massage bed... more comfortable than my actual bed, & I could be 6'6 & I'd fit... we choose this one!
Spa = totally empty, really felt intimate...
She starts msg, & I can't keep my hands off her... she doesn't dance away, she leans in, makes sure I get a proper feel... w/o stoppng the msg either! I'm amazed this pretty girl so much enjoys my attn... it makes a big difference when a girl gets that u like her, & Lucy seems 2 really enjoy that energy... I feel like guys that lay there like slabs of meat & wait 4 her 2 impress them, theyre not gonna have much fun... but she really seems 2 love it when u let her no how hot she is!
Finally, I needed 2c more of her, just lifted up that tennis suit... really sexy lacey thong... it was like this surprise she'd been dying 2 show me. Totally shaved down there, & she doesn't fake moan when I touch either, which actually encourages me 2 keep going... Wow, she's got a gr8 ass!
I gotta try Italian w her one day... then she yielded2 my impatience,& out came those 2 amazing breasts!
Did my damnedest 2 check... nuthin hard in there... totally real tits or surgeon = a genius...
... this sesh = really much more fun than we ever had b4...
Everytime w Lucy, its really special & different, @ least 4 me, because she always innovates... this time, she did this body slide I've nvr had w her... it was... intense...
Time really flew by, & w no mgr 2 watch... well, we took our time.
Only had 2 give tip 4 body slide (80) plus a little xxtra bcuz DAMN that was hot!
... postgame, she went into fashion show mode... wanted to show me green tennis outfits...
QUICK QUESTION: Why do Asian girls hide when changing when u already saw them naked? Anyway...
She popped outta the other rm... oh, she looked so gd in this one! Damn... Made me wanna take it off her again! But I've been here hrs now, gotta head out.... hug & kiss gbye!
So as a review, this is a bit unfair... Ive seen her a few times, & it keeps getting better... & I cannot really comment on what an Asian would think lookng @ her, since I'm a middle aged white dude & she's DDG 2me. Should b fun visiting the new spa again... hopefully mgr lets Lucy & me play w/o checking on us 2 much...

For those who nvr met her, lemme give my impressions...

- 1st of all... she provides semilegit/semi-holistic services, so if yer lookng 4 full menu gals, move along
- Physically, Chinese girl w Korean look, uncommonly pretty face, luxurious black hair, long legs, a real curvy ass & incredible natural tear-drop breasts that defy gravity
- Her msg skills = really gd, almost RMT
now plus she does backwalking

With many lapses of going back 2 her, bcuz damn, she ticks all the other boxes

... our seshes = xxxtremely bf-gf, like we're long lost friends, talkng, hugging, laffing... Ive seen her @ end of shift a few times, & we're just chatting long after we're both supposed 2b outta there... usually, this kinda interaction makes me, uh, NERVOUS

COVID hit. Fucking virus.

...so nobody getting much DFK, even @ agencies, & spas closed down or in stealth mode

Same gr8 body, thick hair, sparkling eyes, gr8 gr8 service... but I couldn't even get the mask off...

Still, things opening up! I've been client during tuff times, mebbe, just mebbee...
Then she disappears from SL sched! Hmm...
... despite our amazing verbal connection & how attractive I find her, can't help thinking, I'm not really she would choose 2b in a rm with...

She's left Shangri-LA... now she can go out there & call up her regs, let'm know where she is... or she's a trophy

... then I get a DM... long time poster but dunno the guy... says Lucy wants 2c ME!

It seemed kinda unlikely... Im thinking its a prank... but after a few days, I thot, WTF they dunno that I called her cell, should b private, right?
So I txted her cell #...

So I call her... & its like reconnecting w old gf! That old chemistry, her laff, convo that just flows... and I get an invitation to her NEW secret workplace... not even officially open yet!
... so here I am biking

.... looking for unit #33... very hard locating, I see 31, then 22

... suddenly a very sexy girl in a pink tennis outfit waves me inside! I came inside, and she's wearing a mask...

... my heart = totally sinking...

... Pretty? I don't mean gd lookng 4 an mpa, I mean, if "I-showed-up-@-a-party-w-her-everyone-would-turn-their-heads" type pretty. Some Asian dudes on msgplanet have said she's not that pretty (altho many like her 2) ... only way I can xxxplain this... u don't like Asian girls. U wanna white girl w Asian eyes mebbe. I dunno.
I couldn't improve her face.
... this new spa feels like a hotel, & Im startng to think, I am the luckiest guy on the 'planet!

Then she shows me this gigantic comfy massage bed... more comfortable than my actual bed, & I could be 6'6 & I'd fit... we choose this one!
Spa = totally empty, really felt intimate...
She starts msg, & I can't keep my hands off her... she doesn't dance away, she leans in, makes sure I get a proper feel... w/o stoppng the msg either! I'm amazed this pretty girl so much enjoys my attn... it makes a big difference when a girl gets that u like her, & Lucy seems 2 really enjoy that energy... I feel like guys that lay there like slabs of meat & wait 4 her 2 impress them, theyre not gonna have much fun... but she really seems 2 love it when u let her no how hot she is!

Finally, I needed 2c more of her, just lifted up that tennis suit... really sexy lacey thong... it was like this surprise she'd been dying 2 show me. Totally shaved down there, & she doesn't fake moan when I touch either, which actually encourages me 2 keep going... Wow, she's got a gr8 ass!

Did my damnedest 2 check... nuthin hard in there... totally real tits or surgeon = a genius...

... this sesh = really much more fun than we ever had b4...
- Renee will not yell thru the door interrupting us! (Did she think we were doing bad things? Dunno...)
- Wow, Lucy has this new intensity... focused on me, & excited!
Everytime w Lucy, its really special & different, @ least 4 me, because she always innovates... this time, she did this body slide I've nvr had w her... it was... intense...

Time really flew by, & w no mgr 2 watch... well, we took our time.

... postgame, she went into fashion show mode... wanted to show me green tennis outfits...
QUICK QUESTION: Why do Asian girls hide when changing when u already saw them naked? Anyway...
She popped outta the other rm... oh, she looked so gd in this one! Damn... Made me wanna take it off her again! But I've been here hrs now, gotta head out.... hug & kiss gbye!
So as a review, this is a bit unfair... Ive seen her a few times, & it keeps getting better... & I cannot really comment on what an Asian would think lookng @ her, since I'm a middle aged white dude & she's DDG 2me. Should b fun visiting the new spa again... hopefully mgr lets Lucy & me play w/o checking on us 2 much...

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