Struggling with basic English now?

Did u graduate Hi school?
I mean I even spelled it properly 4u.
“Credible source”
Google it.
… I could say “Credible source of information” … but that would b…
… yeah, u may need 2 Google that 2….
U quoted Spa Warrior as if his 411 = credible … meaning that
Renee = a coke whore & money hungry bitch.
his words, not mine… I don’t think that @ all … but if u accept Spawarrior as a credible source… well, that’s what he said…
Dunno why u make me repeat that… it’s harsh… Renee has her moments but I think she’s a hard worker,

does not abuse substances … unlike SW.
Is it a coincidence Shangri-La thread not getting bumped by Jiminy today?
There’s like 4 hrs he disappeared…