how is the right way of doing that? I've always been curious. Do you just say, "here's my new friend"?. What if you separated from you significant other from who you've had your kid with recently..and it's still a sensitive topic for your child? I am into a man with a 7 year old boy and it...
I have been seeing this guy for 3 months now. He barely touches me and only kisses me when I'm leaving (and it's usually a quick peck) Yet, he introduces me to all his friends as his girlfriend. I have even met his parents. If I text him, he texts back right away, if I call, he calls back...
whenever a boy & girl are dating, sooner or later she's going to want to meet the boy's parents. If i have a gf, i would like to know when is a good time to do such a thing and how it should be done. Any ideas?
I give my girlfriend foot massages a lot. They make her feel good so I do it out of love and care for her. I am NOT a guy who gets attracted to feet, but my girlfriend's friend suggested that I do it because of a foot fetish. I was there and her friend said I must have a nasty thing for feet. Im...
My girlfriend is coming over to visit me in Singapore. She is Chinese. According to what she has heard, there is two ways for her to get a visa for Spore:
1/ Make a hotel reservation, show it when applying for the visa
2/ Invitation letter from Singaporean citizen, show when applying
I am...
was i wrong ? i had a good reason hes somewhat of a gossiper. I am a guy lol. but he came out of the blue and asked me about her . infront of her and i said shes my cousin. shes mad. what shouuld i do ? she wont listed
Our son and his g/f broke up. They have been together almost 4 years. They have a 18 month old child and he is already seeing someone, who had a 14 month old child. I personally think he should not be introducing his child to this girl but he had gone against my better judgement. I don't and...
Our son and his g/f broke up. They have been together almost 4 years. They have a 18 month old child and he is already seeing someone, who had a 14 month old child. I personally think he should not be introducing his child to this girl but he had gone against my better judgement. I don't and...
I'm sure i'll get lots of funny responses, but seriously, is there a place where women can go to get an erotic massage by an attractive male?
I'm not sure she would go for this but she has joked about it. I was curious to see if I could set it up and see how far she might go.
It would have...
We broke up 4 months ago after 5 years and have a 3 year old he met a girl on a crusie 3 months ago who is not old enough to have a child his age and lives out of state meanwhile he cheated on her with me several times and when I suggested he tell her he lied about when he said he still wants to...
...days, is this normal? I apologize for the great amount of reading you have before you, but please help.
Things are (or were) going great between us, and I think that she thinks everything is still cool, but she seems rather committed to beating her mobile phone, computer and Facebook...
I have been dating her since June 8. I have my son every second Saturday night, he's 2. I tried to bring her to pick him up on June 10 but my ex wouldn't allow it so soon.
How long do I need to wait? Mostly we go to clubs and drink but I'm sure she's great with kids.
I'm not allowed to have...
...has yet to happen? Ok so my girl who I have been with for a year now, she goes to her ex boyfriends house to visit cause they are just friends she says. About a month ago she told me its time I meet him, well that has yet to happen I ask her when and now she tells me that's a touchee...
If I'm on and she comes on or even if I'm on and then she comes on and I don't do anything she is never the one to start the chats. We FB chatted last night for 3.5 hours although there was about 4 or 5 minutes in between each message. Why is this so?
hello ladies...or any men who may help to recommend...lookin for a massage for a very sexxxy girlfriend...who would love to both give and receive a massage from another sexxxy girl...while me...lucky guy...get's to watch...any recommendations...this will be for this coming friday...
I'm looking to share an experience with my girlfriend. She is bi-curious, attractive & fit, clean & d&d free and would enjoy receiving a sensual massage from an attractive girl while I watch only. Any recommendations...
A question I have, which may not even be possible is; If you had a girlfriend that loves the look of hot MPA's and was quite gorgeous herslelf and loves to pick up women for her man. She is skillfull at this and likes the challenge. Which MP would be the best choice to go for couples massage...
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