
  1. B

    ❤ Many New Girls Arrived! ❤ From Japan, China, India ❤ 2 Spas ❤ Open Late ❤ Downtown ❤ - 20

    Enjoy three amazing spas full of freshly arrived Oriental massage girls NEW DISCREET MASSAGE PARLOUR. DOWNTOWN 568 Yonge Yonge/Wellesley M4Y 1Y8 647-346-8877 MIDTOWN 1118 Eglinton West Eglinton/Allen Road M6C 2C8 647-436-9664 55 lovely young ladies from Japan, India, Korea, China and Thailand...
  2. B

    Young & Super Busty Korea / Japan / China Models ** NEW OPEN ** 5-Star WOW Treatment == NEW!!! - 19

    ** NEW GIRLS (TODAY)** In HERE NEW & FRESH Asian girls provide u with best THAI & AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE in a clean & comfortable environment Our gorgeous Asian girls are well-trained in the art of massage & they are committed to ensure ur visit to us is both pleasant Come for the BEST TREATMENT...
  3. G

    We GO to 11 !! Thai ❤ JAPAN ❤ Korean ❤ NURU Slide and SHOWER GIRLS The Real NURU MASSAGE - 23

    go11spa.comOur SPA goes to ELEVEN! REAL THAI JAPANESE KOREAN Filipino Girls Nicole Candi Shasha Kimberly Tanya Amie Rubie Go 11 SPA NURU MASSAGE Sensual Bodyrub Table SHOWER. 212-390-1736 Real picture of one our Beautiful therapists SUPER Sensual Girls know how to satisfy man SLIPPERIEST...
  4. B

    Robot as priest, marries couple in Japan

    YouTube - Raw Video: Robot Presides Over Japanese Wedding Source :Robot Priest Marries Couple in Japan [VIDEO]
  5. L

    School Bus Comparison ! India & Japan

    School Bus In Japan And Now * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * School Bus In India
  6. X

    English in Japan !!!

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. A

    Only in Japan

  8. Pompal 09.

    Made in Japan..!!!

    Truly Made in Japan..!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
  9. G

    sakura in japan

    man it sure is pretty!!! :ohyeah:
  10. J

    Wanna girl? Try japan :P

    Japanese women take lead in wooing their Valentine Tokyo, Feb 11 (DPA) Japanese women are spending many sleepless nights trying to think of the perfect gift for their special Valentine. Unlike in the West, women are expected to take the initiative on this day in Japan. To ease their minds...
  11. Christopher M

    Haiku error messages from Japan

    In Japan, they have replaced the impersonal and unhelpful computer error messages with Haiku poetry messages. As you know, a Haiku has five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, five in the third. They are used to communicate a timeless message. Here are some Haiku error messages...
  12. L

    any japan freelances in SG

    There thais, viets, prcs, koreas . Wonder if there is any japanese Revieweelances anyone can share?
  13. G

    "Su" from CL - japan - 24

    search "Su" on CL u will find who i am talkin about ad said she was new called and i thot i was talkin to her at first but eventually when i got there her "roommate" was the phone girl. A little confusion at first i called for an appt. for 5pm ( i called at 4 pm) got there at 4:55 (place is...
  14. 1

    Major tsunami damage reported in northern Japan after 8.9 quake

    TOKYO - Japan was struck by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that washed away cars and tore away buildings along the coast near the epicenter. There were reports of injuries in Tokyo. In various locations along Japan's...
  15. anonymous...

    japan body care

    this old run down place is across from kinkos on broadway... wanted a hot japan chick for massage... So go in, looks just like a japanese restaurant. Pay the 50 for 45 to the mamasam, and she says she will get me a good girl. I ask for a shower...and there is like a communal shower, and it is...
  16. H

    More Japan Body Care toftt

    Good news was that I was given a pretty decent room - big and its own shower. When walking into the place - the room is located around the corner - first room immediately to your right. I should have read all the posts here as I could have asked to see the lineup before paying for the room...
  17. A

    Help Japan

    Help Japan As you know, the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan on March 11 have caused extensive and severe damage in Northeastern Japan, leaving thousands of people confirmed dead, injured or missing, and millions more affected by lack of electricity, water and...
  18. M

    Tsunami warning issued after magnitude 7.4 quake off Japan …

    Associated Press TOKYO—Japan was rattled by a strong aftershock and tsunami warning Thursday night nearly a month after a devastating earthquake and tsunami flattened the northeastern coast. The Japan meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for a wave of up to one metre. The warning...
  19. J

    Review: Japan R/G hurst

    Date: last week Provider: The one with a cold Phone: - Email Address: - URL / Website: http://fortworth.backpage.com/BodyRubs/japanese-style-n_e_w-the-best-ever-golden-touch-22/14950501 City: - State: - Address: - Appointment Type: Spa Activities: Massage Session...
  20. A

    What the Japan earthquake / tsunami can teach us

    Ten things to learn from the tragedy in Japan. 1. THE CALM Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated. 2. THE DIGNITY Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture. 3. THE AVAILABILITY The incredible...