
  1. B

    My favorite Super Hero (funny video thread)

    I love to find funny videos and have a laugh. Post your funny videos here please.
  2. Pompal 09.

    The Isolated Blurt Thread

    No post on this thread can have any obvious connection to the ones before it. No quoting of other posts; no responding directly to others. This is a thread of disconnected blurts - no conversations. ************************************************* I need something other than working on...
  3. F

    2010 World Cup Thread

    Here we go with anything connected to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa
  4. M

    Tits and Nipple Picture Thread! and Poll

    Tits and Nipples are the best part of the woman's body! Lets see some different shapes, color and sizes!
  5. B

    Well I think it's time for a nice ass thread

  6. J

    Sexy tummy thread

  7. E

    Favorite Quotes Thread

    What is your favorite quote? Here are couple from me: The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think. Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
  8. C

    SH Expo crackdown thread

    Went by Shanghai Hotel Sauna and Golden 18 last night (8-27-10), no dice. Both closed tighter than a drum..
  9. Pompal 09.

    Caerf's Joke Thread

    Lets have some fun. Post some of your favs jokes Q:What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for air and yelling your name? A:You aren't holding the pillow long enough. Q:Why do only 10% of men make it to heaven? A: Because if they all went, it would be hell. Q: Why do all men...
  10. F

    Cialis and Viagra thread

    Since I am an older gentlemen, the odd time I partake in this wonderful hobby I do need some help. Is there a site I can be directed to where I can buy some Cialis at a good price. Maybe we can make this thread the official thread for links to the product.
  11. F

    One word, two, three now Time for the sentence thread

    One rule only, you cannot use a comma. My balls are itchy.
  12. L

    Another HST thread

    I can't believe how complacent Canadians are. Where are the protests, the marches, and the riots? When the left was about to bring in sex class to grade 3 students and talk about homosexuality the Christians went to war and put a stop to it. Premiere Dad backed down but with the HST tax about...
  13. L

    Curious based on the sick thread

    Olayda asked the question, how sick am I? Sorry we all agreed you are sick!:lol: My question is, and this just popped into my head as I was reading my bank statement with a very healthy available line of credit amount. How many have or would ever have considered using funds from their line of...
  14. Pompal 09.

    How do we start a poll thread

    Trying to start one I clicked create a post, where do I type the questions?.
  15. C

    Holiday Sexy Story Thread! ^_^

    Hey guys! I noticed that the lounge is lacking some sexiness for this holiday season! Lets start a sexy story... To keep is interesting, you can post up to four sentences! (I will start this off with more, since I am in the mood for a blond today lol...) Overtime at the office on Christmas Eve...
  16. C

    The Official Funny Picture Thread

    Instead of starting a new thread, post your funny pics in here.
  17. L

    The Gennie 3 wishes thread

    OK if you had 3 wishes? 1- Bigger dick 2- Longer tongue 3- Orgasms 5 times a day OK sorry bad sense of humor 1- Food for all hungry children 2- Great health to my family and friends 3- Enough money but not enough to buy love
  18. J

    Joke Thread

    A man walks in on his wife blow drying her pussy. The man said, "what the fuck are you doing?" Her reply, "heating up your dinner stupid!"