So… after being shut out from dfk or anything with Christine, I decided to break that streak and come to lavender. Couldn’t call, so I actually did have to do walk in. Stepped in and Cindy wasn’t to be found. Someone was in the waiting room and then Cindy comes running out, someone tells me to go into a room. I find out later it is Suki.
Yay! Finally gonna get some service after seeing Christine. But alas, no dice.
Suki is very pretty spinner; she says she works here on tue/wed and another nearby spa under the same name on Sunday/monday. After I wash up, she asks what sort of massage I wanted. “As hard as you can manage.” So she asks if I am ok with back walking. I say yep!
Suki definitely leans into the backwalk - using the ball of her foot, the outside edge and her heel where appropriate. She’s pretty good at it. A couple of times she maybe stepped where she shouldn’t (ie joints). I didn’t correct her. Her English is pretty good conversational English. I wouldn’t want to try to discuss anything in depth but basic conversation seems fine. It’s actually amazing considering she’s just been in canada 2 years.
The actual hand massage was a bit light. She did do the whole leaning over and using her knees etc which was able to generate enough pressure.
On the flip… no dfk. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Nude body slide and HJ are on the menu. You know how much I liked that. So.. meh. Opted to spend the last minutes on an NR instead. She liked it. Said that *maybe* I might get some form of kissing next time since she liked the massage so much. Sigh.
Oh. When she was shutting me out of kissing, she said she is ok with daty. For you others who might want to partake. She’s clean shaven so no worries about bush for you guys.
She’s pretty cute. She’s awesome. I might repeat.