Unfortunately I have first hand experience in laser tattoo removal.
I do not think it is real clever to encourage a BG to get a tattoo such as the some of the ones posted here. You would have to be e right prxxk to put it on her back where she canโt see it such as one of the first pics shown.
Laser works best on black, does not seem to work on red or orange and some greens and blues do not work so well either.
The pigment of the tattoo absorbs the laser shot and this shatters the pigment and this is then taken away as waste product. The laser light is infrared and this is why the reds and oranges donโt work as they just reflect the light back and do not absorb it. It also depends on the construction of the ink of other colours as to the effectiveness of the laser.
I had 28 treatments, 14 each arm, to get rid of mine and gave up in the end as I just could not afford to finish it off.
I was reasonably happy with the results but there are down sides other than the cost.
You are not supposed to allow the effected area to get sun on it, that is for the whole treatment period which can take more than a year as you have to allow the skin to try and repair in between treatments.
The skin where the tattoo was does not tan where the skin around it does tan which can make the area where the tattoo was stand out for a while when you get a tan.
If you take a girl, or yourself for laser removal ensure that it is the correct laser. A normal laser when used to remove tattoos will leave a raised burn type scar and looks worse than the tattoo.
If you think getting a tattoo hurts it is a pinch on the arm compared to getting laser removal.
I may sound like a hypocrite but I am not a fan of tattoos on girls, just my personal choice.