sy barite
Known Reviewer
...and the reasoned and respectful debate continues.
Guys on both sides of this debate should honestly ask themselves what evidence would make them change their positions on this topic. If you have trouble thinking of something that would change your mind, then that's a pretty good indication your opinion may be more based on ideology than reason.
It's hard to be absolutely sure of anything anymore, but the evidence against the "wisdom" of the tactics we've chosen to flatten the curve seems to be mounting. I have seen no good proof that vaccines have any ability to limit the spread of Omicron. Consequently, the argument for mandating vaccines is theatre. For people claiming we must keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed by serious cases of the unvaccinated, I would love to hear the cost-benefit analysis for that argument. With the vast majority of people still being uninfected and Omicron (or subsequent variations of the virus), being almost certain to touch everyone--how long should we subject society to closures, distancing, and masking? I am not advocating "let it rip". I'm saying it would be reasonable to assess and compare the cost of protecting the vulnerable vs continuing as we are.
For me, now would probably be the best time to get a case of Omicron. I'm a few weeks past the booster, (which incidentally did seem to have some worrying side effects of chest pain), so my immune response is probably as high as it's ever going to be unless the future holds some combo of significant natural immunity + another shot. I think the best thing I could do is stay away from the vulnerable...and see lots of MPs.
Guys on both sides of this debate should honestly ask themselves what evidence would make them change their positions on this topic. If you have trouble thinking of something that would change your mind, then that's a pretty good indication your opinion may be more based on ideology than reason.
It's hard to be absolutely sure of anything anymore, but the evidence against the "wisdom" of the tactics we've chosen to flatten the curve seems to be mounting. I have seen no good proof that vaccines have any ability to limit the spread of Omicron. Consequently, the argument for mandating vaccines is theatre. For people claiming we must keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed by serious cases of the unvaccinated, I would love to hear the cost-benefit analysis for that argument. With the vast majority of people still being uninfected and Omicron (or subsequent variations of the virus), being almost certain to touch everyone--how long should we subject society to closures, distancing, and masking? I am not advocating "let it rip". I'm saying it would be reasonable to assess and compare the cost of protecting the vulnerable vs continuing as we are.
For me, now would probably be the best time to get a case of Omicron. I'm a few weeks past the booster, (which incidentally did seem to have some worrying side effects of chest pain), so my immune response is probably as high as it's ever going to be unless the future holds some combo of significant natural immunity + another shot. I think the best thing I could do is stay away from the vulnerable...and see lots of MPs.