I thought I would weigh in with my 2 cents or so...
3Tees - you are right to challenge the source of Disturbia's info. It could be construed as deceptive to pawn off italics as gospel, especially without citing it. In many circles (namely academics), that's called plagiarism (not citing a source, or hawking off one's opinion as an inferred source), and that can lead to expulsion or dismissal. Except in Korea, where it's normal. And sometimes in the music industry. Guns and Roses can do it, but the Verve can't....
Without revealing my source, I have it on reliable authority that there is NO MAN in jail right now in Toronto (awaiting trial, anyway) who was caught in an R&T, er MPA.
The trouble with defining what is gonna get you charged - and more unfortunately, convicted- is that Canada is a common law country (while QC is a codified province). Thus, there is a thing called precedence.
If you think pot is legal in Ontario, guess again. It's not. HOWEVER, judges in our country have a habit of writing the law in their decisions. Thus, it has been found that pursuing recreational users is not worth the time and money of the courts.
Bawdy houses are quite dicey, since the property has to be deemed public in the sense that the neighbourhood is threatened by the activities. Of course there is the issue of consideration - the exchange for service.
Anyhoo, from my experience, coppers are looking for 4 things:
1. Immigration violations
2. Underage
3. License violations
4. Prohibited sexual activity.
Of the 4, the latter is hardest to prove in court. Cops don't want to waste their time and the tax payer's money on a 30% conviction rate + court challenges. The other 3 are pretty cut/dry slam dunks. Go for the quick win.
Once in a while, you get the "raids", which are really one of the first 3 with a LE PR spin. It's just meant to scare off the demand. If they can choke off demand busting the first 3, then #4 ain't gonna happen...as much. So scare the hobbyists into thinking they are the target. Really, we're the ancillary benefit of inspections/raids.
Thus endeth the lesson ;P