Finally made it to Diamond.
First time impressions: crummy plaza but Diamond digs all right. Decent rooms, although table too small (room C, I think) -- smallest one I've ever been on. Nice shower, good supply of fresh towels, mirrors in room. Excellent! All the better to see the lovely Rachel and her hanging fruit. NICE!
It was the end of the day and Rachel was wearing the sleepy eyes. She greeted me with a minimum of words. I tried to wake her up and eventually succeeded when I came back from the shower and went into the wrong room. She caught me and my stupidity made her laugh. Then I leaned over and told her to never, ever "let me show you where to go."
At this point I discovered it was the fabled Rachel of GT fame. Went with the powder, for the first time. Very nice and light touch. But overall, I think her hands were sleepy, too and didn't wake up the Prairie Pup. So not so good with the massage. She asked whether I wished any options and selected nude. At the end -- very nice finish, BTW -- of 45 mins, I handed over $60 but she said it's $80 for nude option when it's 30 to 60 mins. Hmmmm. OK.
Summary: a real dish of a girl (spectacular natural (??), heavy rack), love the rag hair cut (my fave on an Asian girl), looks great in skirt, rather light on massage skills but OK. Repeat: probably will but then there's Lucy on the Mount.
Thanks for tips GT et al!