Imagine gleefully waiting for a people to be wiped out so you can seize their land in order to develop it for a quick profit.
A truly disgusting mindset these people have.
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I was actually waiting when that

"Kushner son in law of Trump" would be pulled out by Trump haters.
To say the truth, I thought it would happen closer to the election date.
The whole situation is tricky...
On one side, it is known that right-wing Jews haters guys are mostly in the Trump group, except Islamists in Biden's.
On the other hand Democrats should go really low to pull that card, and to my taste, they are still not there.
So we will see how ugly it will go.
I believe Democrats will use Kushner card when and if Trump will be closer to win.
Regarding the subject itself.
Fighting indeed ruined many buildings in Gaza. People will need work once Hamas days over. So that project was indeed discussed, but I do not recall Kushner's involvement, though.
but not for Israel, you morron
It was discussed how to restore Gaza for normal civilian ( nor sure who they are) Palestinians and not to be taken.
After all, many people know that before 7 October , the pieace agreement was almost signed between OAE and Israrl. What scared shit from Aytollas Iran.
That is when they unlished Hamas.
All the rest are just details of "knowhow"