Have been to see Michelle a number of times and have enjoyed myself every time. Great massage with standard Asian service c/w finish. She has been favourably reviewed a number of times on this board and I really can't add any value to the past reviews, but I can confirm she is great value if you are into quality massages.
Felt like shit and decided to drop in on Wed afternoon for a tune up and to my surprise..... no Michelle. Small five foot nothing, thin, Asian chick invited me in and since I felt like 20 miles of bad road I decided to proceed with a 1 hour session.
To my pleasant surprise, this lady was great! Too numb to engage her in any conversation and get her name, but the message was fantastic. Better than what I have received from Michelle in the past.
So if you are into the Asian, decent message thing, check her out.
Felt like shit and decided to drop in on Wed afternoon for a tune up and to my surprise..... no Michelle. Small five foot nothing, thin, Asian chick invited me in and since I felt like 20 miles of bad road I decided to proceed with a 1 hour session.
To my pleasant surprise, this lady was great! Too numb to engage her in any conversation and get her name, but the message was fantastic. Better than what I have received from Michelle in the past.
So if you are into the Asian, decent message thing, check her out.